The success of implementing a measurement or inspection task will depend to a large extent on specifying the correct lens. The following article…

Here, a particular focus is on the specifications for the resolution and edge position uncertainty, because the choice of which of these two criteria…

Telecentric lenses used in combination with telecentric lighting provide the most accurate results for measurement of object shapes and geometries.…

The first step in planning a machine vision application is to select the correct lighting for the objects to be evaluated. Whatever is lost here due…

The correct exposure time depends on the speed of a lens. The level of brightness uniformity determines whether the same processing algorithms can be…

The most efficient solution for a machine vision application is not always obvious. The characteristics of the lens influence the requirements which…


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pth-mediaberatung GmbH

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D-97076 Würzburg / Germany


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Phone: +49 9 31 / 32 93 0-0



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Vision & Control GmbH

Mittelbergstr. 16

D-98527 Suhl / Germany


Contact Person

Ms  Beate Koch

Phone: +49 36 81 / 79 74-34

